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UV Protective Headwear for Snow

UV Protective Headwear for Snow101 Uses of Chrome Dome – Snow Sports

Punxsutawney Phil may have seen his shadow on Groundhog day, but there’s still plenty of fun in the snow to be had this season.  Whether you’re planning a ski trip to Park City or just dealing with day-to-day living in the snow, we’ve got some important information for you on proper sun protection and uv protective headwear in the winter.

Did you know that snow reflects up to 80% of the sun’s UV rays? That means that even during the winter, which is associated with less sunlight, you are a risk for skin damage.  According to, not only are you getting hit twice with sun rays when you’re out in the snow, but the sun’s rays increase 4-5% in intensity for every 1,000 ft of elevation above sea level. That means that at an elevation of 7,000 ft, UV rays could be 28-35% higher than at sea level. Knowing these facts makes it just as  imperative to protect your skin from harmful UV rays whether you’re in the snow or on the beach.

Using Proper Sun Protection in the Snow

Chrome Dome’s uv protective caps are an essential part of proper sun protection when you’re playing (or working) in the snow. Each cap is made with certified UPF 50+ material that is known harmful-chemical free. Not only do the caps cover the head, they also protect the ears and back of the neck which are two areas often forgotten about when you’re slathering on the sun screen.  The material used in our caps is woven so tightly that it is able to block sun rays. This is a sharp contrast to other uv protective headwear on the market that use chemicals that wash out over time.

There are other benefits to using a Chrome Dome Cap in the snow as well. The one-size-fits-all caps keep the head warm while also wicking sweat away from the skin, which aids in regulating body temperature in extreme conditions.  Due to their snug fit, Chrome Dome’s make excellent helmet liners under a ski or snowboard helmet or hard hat. The caps also keep items such as sun glasses and ear buds in place so you can focus on the task at hand.

Other Sun Protective Measures

Protecting your dome is important, but don’t forget about your face, lips, neck, and other exposed areas. Applying liberal amounts of sunscreen to all exposed areas of skin will ensure that you don’t get a dreaded sunburn. Not only are sunburns uncomfortable, but they are the precursors to other skin issues like skin cancer. Be sun smart now and your future self will thank you.

Browse Our Selection of Sun Protective Caps

Are you on a ski, snowboarding, or snow sport team?

Chrome Dome now offers branded caps for teams and groups! Check out our branding page for more information on  adding your logo to our Chrome Dome Caps and protect your whole team.